Wowie ! Wow ! Wow! as Junie B would say. Katie over at A Basket Full of Apples nominated me for a Liebster Award for bloggers who have less than 200 followers. That definitely is me. I started this blog this summer when I had lots of time. I haven't done much with it since school started. As all of you know there is no time once things get going at school. I even feel badly about not responding to this award right away. So this is my New Year's Resolution to blog twice a week. I am so in awe of all the blogs that I read that I really don't know what else there is to say or make or do but I'm gonna try.
The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers by established bloggers ( less than 200 followers), in order to recognize them , let them know they are appreciated, and to spread the word about new blogs.
The rules are:
- You must post 11 random things about yourself
2. I have lived all over the country, North Carolina, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Missouri and Ohio. My husband works for the United States Forest Service and we have moved a lot!
3. In Arizona , we lived at the Grand Canyon (South Rim) for 14 years. I taught at Grand Canyon school, which is one of the only two K-12 schools in a National Park. The other one is in Yosemite.
I love that three of my children graduated on the rim of the canyon.
4. I have 4 children. Three girls and a boy. My youngest is a Junior at Arizona State University.
5.I taught on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation in Owyhee, Nevada. I taught Shoshone and Paiute students.
6. My house was destroyed by a tornado when I was 11. I slept through the WHOLE thing. Thank God, my room was the only one still intact.
7. I love the water. I grew up on Lake Erie and being on the water (lake or ocean) is in my blood.
So........ I kayak now every chance I get.

8. I met my husband in college. He was from New York and I from Arizona. He took my to Long Island for Christmas the first year we met. We have been together for 35 years.
9. I hate, hate, hate snakes!!! Scared to death of them.
10. I love shoes and scarves!!!
11. I am not the most organized person with my stuff.
- Answer the questions that the nominators set for you.
Questions, Questions, Questions
1. What is your favorite place to travel?
Anywhere ! I love to go ! My husband and I are planning a trip to Ireland, Scotland and England this summer. That sounds pretty great to me!! Last summer we went to Boston and Cape Cod. I loved Boston ,too! See, I just like to go.
2. What is your favorite thing to do when you are not in school?
I am always too busy to read a lot so in the summer , I read a ton of books.
3. What is your favorite blog to follow?
I have several- I love First Grade Wow, First Grade Parade, and Erica Bohrer's First Grade
4. What is your favorite thing to do with your class?
I love small group in reading. I love to discuss books with my students.
5. What is your favorite Christmas song?
The First Noel
6. What is your advice for a new teacher?
Be yourself, seek advice from other teachers that have taught for years, be creative, always keep learning and love your students.
7. What is your favorite site to get cute clipart from?
Scrappin Doodles
8. What is your favorite children's book?
The Giving Tree
9. What is your favorite grown up-book?
"The Secret Life of Bees" and as a young girl I loved "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"
10. What is your favorite food treat?
11.What is your best accomplishment?
My children. They are all awesome, responsible and creative people.
- Choose 11 blogs you love (with less than 200 followers) and link them in your post.
Great Blogs
Check them out !!
The Teacher Garden
Only in First Grade
The Fairy Tale of a First Grade Teacher
My First Grade Backpack
Learning Ahoy
First in Maine
First Grade Honey Bunch
Frolicking into First
Mrs. Meyer's First Grade
Mrs. Morales 2nd Grade
The Teaching Bug
- You cannot "tag back" the other blog but leave me a comment on this post with the URL of your Liebster post so I can learn more about you and see who you nominate.
Ignore my email that I sent to you. It's working now! Thank you so much for nominating me. I blogged about it http://1stinmaine.blogspot.com/2013/01/liebster.html I loved learning all about you.
First in Maine
OMG!!! I was on Romper Room, too! You're the only other person I've "met" all these years later who can say the same thing.
Grade ONEderful
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